Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tip # 21

Tip # 21 - Keys to a Successful Practice

So today let's talk about a few things you can begin doing immediately to jump start your practice and build it up rapidly.

1. Be a chiropractor

Fall in love with chiropractic and pass the message on at every possible moment. Your level of intensity is what will generate new patients and referrals by the boatload. You can not be monotone in your actions or in your voice. People want to feel your enthusiasm. They want to be set on fire by your passion and they want to know that chiropractic is the best thing they can do for themselves and their family.

2. Get know in your community.

This is one of the simplest, most affordable and easiest forms of marketing and is one which will provide you with many more new patients than an ad in the local newspaper. It is also the longest lasting form of advertising. It is called relationship adverting. Get known as the local chiropractor in your community. It is really a fun way to advertise because what you are doing is going out, having fun and making new friends. People refer to people they know and like. So get involved - it pays off in new patients and friendships.

3. Market and be consistent in all of your efforts

Unfortunately we still have to market ourselves but the truth is - we do. Accept it, and do it. The key to marketing is consistency. It is never ending. Develop a marketing plan and stick to it. The real key to marketing is to market who you are. This will attract the patients who want to be in your office.

4. Educate your patients to be referral machines

Very few patients will refer if you do not educate them about chiropractic and how chiropractic can help. Share the success stories and then teach patients how to share them also. Do your patients know what subluxation is how it destroys life. Do they know it helps children with earaches? Pretty basic stuff. The key is to talk to them on their level. Throw out the doctor jargon (except the word subluxation) and tell them that when the bones are subluxated the bones decay and start closing the little holes where the nerves come out .... Simple is best.

5. Ask for referrals

When a friend asks for your help, do you ever say no? Not usually and your patients are the same way. Develop friendships with them and then ask them to refer. It's so easy to get referrals when you say to a friend (patient) John/Mary, I need your help. (remember, don't be monotone) and then fill in what you need. HAVE FUN WITH THIS!

6. Have Fun

You chose to be a chiropractor so don't bitch about the medical doctors or people not understanding, blah, blah, blah. People will only be as excited as you are. So the key is to just be you. I LOVE to have fun. Whether I am at work or at play, I LOVE to have fun and I carry this over into my practice everyday. My wife Dr. Nancy loves to have fun and so does my super CA and we all give each other the latitude to do so. If I had to go to a boring office which plays elevator music and has patients in a waiting room reading people magazine I would shoot myself. Chiropractic is a celebration of life and when you think of it this way, everyday can and will be a joy. Initially patients come to you because they hear you can help them and they stay because you delivered on their expectation and because they like you. You can have fun and stay professional! I love to sing and adjust and have fun with the kids and tell jokes and give hugs. That is my kind of practice and people flock to it because we make it an experience for them. We are not being phoney, we are being who we are. Our dog is at work with us and we have a big popcorn machine in the office and some may look down their nose at this type of practice but we are having a ball and seeing more people than all of the other chiropractors in town put together. You only have one shot at life - make the most of it.

7. Be organized

I can't stress this enough. If you want to be seeing BIG numbers, then you have to be organized in everything you do - from adjusting hours to paperwork. When you are organized - life is more fun.

At Successful DC, we help chiropractors achieve more fun and higher levels of success than they ever though possible. If you are looking for a coach who has been there and is doing it everyday, visit our website and look into our VIP One-on-One coaching program. It is affordable and is guaranteed to help you develop and reach the levels of happiness you deserve - in life and in practice. www.successfuldc.com

Tip # 21 - Keys to a Successful Practice

Have a great day,
Dr. Steve
Your daily Success Coach

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