Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tip 4

I am going to admit it. I am a unique kind of person. I walk to the beat of a different drummer (as do mst chiropractors) and I love to do things my way. I have been through different careers, I have accepted different roles and through all of the ups and downs what has always carried me through and made me the happiest (and the most money) was when I was just being me. true to myself

Tip 4 - Just Be You

Probably the biggest tip I will ever give, the one which if accepted, internalized and acted upon; the one which will make you the happiest and will make your practice more fun and much more profitable; one which will give you a sense of relief and a sense of fulfillment is Tip #4 - Just be you!

Ten years ago I wrote the Creative Principle which speaks about beginning with the end in mind (a great principle for achievement. In it I wrote that we must all stop seeing with our eyes (because they lie) and being seeing with our hearts. When you look with your eyes you see yourself with judgement ie. fat, ugly... you get it. However, when you see with your heart, you see the true beauty. The beauty of the person. You are perfect just the way you are.

Throughout life we have taken on different roles. We have been molded by our parents, teachers, mentors ... and that is well and good but to live and practice in a true state of happiness requires that you find out who YOU are and then to live in that form. Right now (if you need it) I give you permission to Just Be You! It's okay. It's okay to be who you are and to practice the way to want to practice and to live life in the manner which is best suited to YOU. You do not have to be, live or act the way others want you to. You do not have to practice the way you were taught. Patients will come to you because if you are being true to who you are, you will be happy and patients will want to be in your presence. People see through phoney.

I could wear a suit and tie to work or a white coat and stethoscope, but that is not me. I am a blue jeans and polo shirt kind of guy. I like to love my patients and in return, they like to love me. My office is not fancy but it is full of patients from opening until closing. They certainly do not come for the fancy trappings, they come because when they are there, their doctor loves them, cares about them, educates them. He is philosophical, funny, educational, fast and is pretty darn good at what he does.

The point here is that you do not need the fanciest office or the nicest clothes (unless that truly is who you are and what you love). The point is, that if you discover your brilliance and what makes you happy and then work under that light, you will have an amazing career and everyday will be a joy.

Just Be Yourself.

PS. - No time to check for errors this morning as I have to rush off to Toastmasters. Sorry, I am just being me. I am not a detail person and I accept that as a part of who I am. I am a big picture person, however, I surround myself with people who are detail oriented. Just Be You! Have a GREAT Day.

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