Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tip #9

As we know, everything in life is a choice and where we are right now is the sum total of all of the choices we have made in the past. Good, bad or indifferent, we have create the situations which we reside in today. But, if we are to take it to the next level, we must follow -

Tip #9 - Adopt the Lifestyle you Wish to Live In

Everyone knows the lifestyle they wish to live in. We have all seen people whom we admire and wish to emulate. We love the way they dress, we love the way they live, we love their toys and the accolades and we wonder how they achieved everything they have. Some are born into it but most have achieved their place in business and society by making a conscious dedicion to do so. They saw what they wanted and adopted the steps, strategies and actions necessary to duplicate what these people had done to achieve their level of success. Success is duplicatible. As chiropractors, to be successful, all we have to do to be successful is to study what successful people do and then duplicate it. As you may have noticed, I am not giving step-by-step instruction because before you move on to procedures, you have to develop, identify and create yourself as a chiropractor. We have to become chiropractors in heart, philosophy and we have to develop a chiropractic lifesyle.

If you wish to run a wildly successful practice and live an amazing lifestyle then the first thing you have to do is adopt and live in the manner which successful chiropractors live in. Simple put:

If you want to be a successful chiropractor and serve a lot of patients and live in the nice house and drive the nice car or whatever you equate success and happiness with, then you first off and above all else have to become a chiropractor - not in your head but in your heart and in your attitude.

Chiropractic (or insert your business) is not a job! It is a lifestyle. It is something you believe in and believe in it so firmly that your life and lifestyle revolve around it. You love and believe in chiropractic so much that you want everyone to share in it and you are willing to do whatever it takes to bring your message to the masses. Chiropractic has to be something that catches your spirit on fire and gets you jumping out of bed in the morning with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and fire.

You can not fake this. You can NOT be a chiropractor you must be a chiropracTOR! ChiropracTIC has to overtake you. It is not a 9-5 job or a way to make a living. It is a 24/7 job and a way to change the world. Yes a way to unleash the power of human potential in every adjustment you make. I could go on for pages but I believe you get the BIG IDEA - or do you?

Look at the giants in the industry, the mentors, the movers and shakers - they do not sit around and bitch or say people don't understand or wait for thing to happen - they make things happen and if a strategy does not work they adapt and overcome.

Chiropractic is an art, science and philosophy. Those are the things which make YOU a chiropracTOP. A new pillow or device will not make you a chiropracTOR or make your practice overflow with new patients. No vitamin or traction table will bring generations of families into your office. What will make you A chiropracTOR and propel your practice to a new level of excellence is when you are willing to adopt a chiropracTIC lifesyle, attitude and philosophy and then develop your skills so that you can transfer your vision to others and repeat that vision through consistent education so others can then transfer that vision and on and on.

Developing the attitude so you can become a chiropractic giant means that you need to accept yourself at the heart level for who you are and for what you want to be. You must come to grips with the fact that you are a chiropractor. It is a great thing to be! Be proud that you are a chiropracTOR! As such you have an amazing gift to share with the world, a gift that no one but a chiropracTOR posesses. Anyone can move a bone but a chiropractor has the intent and skill necessary to unleash the power of innate with each and every adjustment - the power to change lives with the education and philosophy only they posess and the ability to bring their unique message to the masses.

No other profession possess the gift that you have, the ability to clear the nerve system allowing for the restoring of function. Believe in that abilty and the power which you are releasing has the ability to allow for the regaining of health and of life and that is an awesome ability and responsibility.

ChiropracTIC is not a circus treak to be performed on people at bars, nor is it a back pain or musculoskeletal therapy, it is the removal of subluxation for the restoring of function, life and health. Believe in it and treat it that way.

Young docs fail because they are not taught or have never developed this critial aspect of chiropractic. So in closing for today, before you can move on to the office procedures, (which are a part of developing and adopting a chiropractic lifestyle, they are secondary to developing yourself as a chiropracROR. Develop your mind, develop your heart, develop your philosophy and educate yourself on chiropractic. Listen to the leaders and follow their lead. Only you can determine what type of chiropractor you want to be. Choose what makes you happy, develop your heart around that style, choose a mentor and learn from him/her and build your practice around a chiropractic lifestyle.

This is only a starting point but one which is necessary to master before you can move on. Do not let what you percieve other people views on chiropractic to deter you or even slow you down from accomplishing your mission. Chiropractic is a mission and a lifestyle and your mission and philosophy are what will drive you to the top.

TIP #9 - Adopt a Chiropractic Lifestyle

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